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Filter Specification

POB API 对过滤和排序都做了规范约束,让我们来了解下规范是如何定义的吧。

POB SDK uses a query language called NQL to allow filtering API results. You can filter any field or included field using matches, greater/less than or negation, as well as combining with and/or. NQL doesn’t yet support ’like’ or partial matches.

At it’s most simple, filtering works the same as in GMail, GitHub or Slack - you provide a field and a value, separated by a colon.

How to use

Now, we just support GET method and we add filter field on query parameters, like:

GET /api/v1/workflow?filter=namespace:'MetaJam',namespace:'xxx'

Yes, if you are careful, you will notice that we specify the filter condition through filter. The filter field can be multiple. We use ', 'to denote or. You can learn more about the syntax of filtering fields next.

Syntax Reference

Filter Expressions

A filter expression is a string which provides the property, operator and value in the form property:operatorvalue:

  • property - a path representing the field to filter on
  • : - separator between property and an operator-value expression
  • operator (optional) - how to compare values (: on its own is roughly =)
  • value - the value to match against


Matches: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]

  • can contain only alpha-numeric characters and _
  • cannot contain whitespace
  • must start with a letter
  • supports . separated paths, E.g. authors.slug or posts.count
  • is always lowercase, but accepts and converts uppercase


Can be one of the following

  • null
  • true
  • false
  • a number (integer)
  • a literal
    • Any character string which follows these rules:
    • Cannot start with - but may contain it
    • Cannot contain any of these symbols: '"+,()><=[] unless they are escaped
    • Cannot contain whitespace
  • a string
    • ' string here ' Any character except a single or double quote surrounded by single quotes
    • Single or Double quote **MUST **be escaped*
    • Can contain whitespace
    • A string can contain a date any format that can be understood by new Date()
  • a relative date
    • Uses the pattern now-30d
    • Must start with now
    • Can use - or +
    • Any integer can be used for the size of the interval
    • Supports the following intervals: d, w, M, y, h, m, s


  • - - not
  • > - greater than
  • >= - greater than or equals
  • < - less than
  • <= - less than or equals
  • ~= - contains
  • ~^ - starts with
  • ~$ - ends with
  • [ value, value, … ] - “in” group, can be negated with -


  • + - represents and
  • , - represents or
  • ( filter expression ) - overrides operator precedence

Strings vs Literals

Most of the time, there’s no need to put quotes around strings when building filters in POB SDK. If you filter based on slugs, slugs are always compatible with literals. However, in some cases you may need to use a string that contains one of the other characters used in the filter syntax, e.g. dates & times contain:. Use single-quotes for these.